Thursday, October 22, 2009

my student ID card + my collection

my student ID card
this few days i was staying at home and do nothing.
but yesterday i got go and interview at Maple Cafe, but the boss was not there when i going there for interview, i just leave my name and my contact number to the staff.
the staff say maybe i have to go there for the second time to process second interview with boss, hope the boss there will hire me

i don't really like to stay at home this few days because my mom keep scolding me and say she gonna send me to other place else to make me live alone.
she say the reason she wanna do that is because she wan me to know study is important.
i know study is important but i really can't study anymore, you force me just to make me feel that i wanna die.
i donno why i can't study well everytime, i think study is not my 'talent'.
tomorrow i'm gonna give my study Id card back to tar college, i quite miss that student ID card.
i donno why the college wan me to give it back, but no choice i have to follow the college rule.

my collection
yeah!!! these is all my collection.
first time post in public to let everyone see.
i am the person who don't like to play game, so the only thing i like is collect original song album.
i never let anyone see the box where i use to store all my original song album and drama DVD.
even my mom also not see the contain before because i don't let everyone to touch the box except me myself.
i have use a long time to save my pocket money to buy these album.
when i was studying in secondary school, i always keep all my pocket money for buying album.
1 day RM2, wah need to save so long just can buy 1 album because my pocket money for 1 day is RM2 only.
but no choice, who ask me like music.
erm last few day i play webcam with my best bro(elaine wong), then i let her see my collection.
wow she is the first person who have see the box and the contain. ^.^

Friday, October 16, 2009

withdraw day

today finally i withdraw from tar college.
i am nt tarcian anymore, so sad.
but no choice because i having a bad result for the previous semester.
i so miss my fren at tar nw, i keep on thinking the day that we having fun together and play around in the classroom.
many lecturer say first year ISE is the monkey class and i am the one of the monkey inside the class.
but after today i already become a human and not the ISE monkey anymore.
if my study is good i wish to stay in the school n continue to be a monkey in the class, but unluckily my study is super duper bad
so no choice i need to choose the way withdraw.
at the previous sem, got 6 lecturer guiding me.
i miss them also, i duno why i will miss them.
i hope all of my frens and the ISE monkey wont forget ISE course still got me this person appear in the classroom before.
hope all of them can success in study.
the most i miss is the violet group member, because all of the member in the group treat me good and all of them are frenly.
if the time can turn me back to the time when we having drama practice, wow i must be happy till fly.

^first year ISE with former, capture with ms Helen(intro to business lecturer)

^violet group members

^hard gay(our class are his super fans)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

what the stupid result am i taking!!!

i hate this result so much!!!
for me i think i can pass at least 3 to 4 subject, but nw only pass 1 subject.
what the XXXX am i doing in semester 1.
waste so much money but get this stupid result.
CGPA is 0, how come this happen!!!!!
better withdraw.
i dont't wana waste my time anymore...
i hope i can withdraw successfully.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

我妈对我的爱 (神木与瞳爱炼改词) = 我此刻的心情

我不懂 不爱这种结果

你别说 别说都是心痛

我已放弃了 我不想再为读书而烦恼

部落格 记录我的所有

我的路 从此已经不同

那些心情 继续在不对的刻有多久




我有种心痛 我的心情 为你失去了自由要多久

我的路由我自己来掌握 因为我想要的你却都不懂




Sunday, October 4, 2009


本来应该想玩到疯 因为星期一就开学了,怎知道约好了 uncle 去唱k 却被妈一直骂。
对是对啦,不过我和 uncle 又不是每次都出去。
平时我又不是那种败家子,天天出我都没把钱花光光才回家 我每次都没乱花的嘛。
我昨天就问我妈说 “妈,我做你儿子这么多年 难道你还不了解我吗?原来一直以来我在你的心中就只是一个会乱花钱的败家子!!!”
我也不是每次都去唱k,就是跟旧同学去而已嘛 难道这样也有错吗?
我说了好多遍,我不是读书的材料 逼我读 fail 的可能性当然是会有的啊。
fail 了又要骂我,我好想说 “你能保证我读了能够在这一行发展吗?如果不能 那我读了不就是白废的吗?那些 PTPTN 的钱我不是白还了吗?你要我用 RM10000 来买一个只有 20% success rate 的学问吗?除非那些钱是你还,如果要我还 我宁愿不读了。”
但是她又一直逼我读下去,经过昨天的事情发生 我想了很多。
唱k 就用自己的钱,没有人能够说我乱花钱因为我花的是我自己的钱。
但我妈她就偏偏不让我去工作,还说什么屁话 “你去工作就要搬出去一个人生活。”
我朋友在这个假期里有很多 trip 好玩,我却什么都没有 我妈 outstation 我还要在家做男俑没得去玩。

Friday, October 2, 2009

最近爱上了几个专集 (3p)

学校又要开学了,好烦哦 真的不想去上课啦。
放假呢我就在家听歌和聊 msn 啦,也没什么特别。
上次就在中学时 我都把每天妈妈给的零用钱 RM2 都存起来存够了就拿去买正版专集
现在上了 college 就没办法存了因为上课上到傍晚才到家。
再加上现在我家人不是每天给我零用钱,而是等到我用完了才给 所以就存不到了。
不过还算不错上次有收藏到 <星光二班-你们是我的星光>,<神木与瞳-为你而活>,<神木与瞳-为你而活 改版>,<魏如昀-傻> 和 <梁文音-爱的诗篇> 这几张专集。
这次爱上的专集就是<王心如-哥本哈根的童话>,<张韶涵-第5季> 和 <郭书瑶-爱的抱抱>。


